GEOrient Bug Fixes Author: Dr R.J.Holcombe email: http:// ========================================================================= BugFixes (youngest to oldest): ========================================================================= (Note: dates in day/month/year) 15/5/23 Released v10. Fixed minor overflow bug when the max no, of data grids (150) are selected. 10/4/22 Prepared v10 as a free version of v9.5.1. 9/4/15 v9.5.1 Fixed problem in Preferences dialog setting the colours of contour levels, the styles of the girdles, and a related crash when then trying to then change the background colour 29/1/11 Fixed bug introduced on 1/1/11 that was preventing .gpx files from being opened 1/1/11 v 9.5.0 Changed variables to increase the no of data beyond 33766. (Now limited by memory) Added 3 more User Girdles to Girdle panel. Changed Preferences dialog to handle the new girdles and fixed bug that was not changing new girdle styles in the plots. Revised About.. and start-up flash screen text. Fixed bug in Save routine that was not allowing Cancels to be clean. Revamped compiled HTML Help and made it the default within GEOrient. 9/5/10 Enlarged orientation and information panels at the bottom of the screen to accommodate larger fonts; Added new font control boxes in the Preferences dialog to manually change the fonts in these panels. 30/10/09 Fixed bug that caused crash when adding and pasting annotations to plots where annotations had previously been deleted 24/5/09 Fixed cramping of statistics box against the plotted rose in some forms of rose diagrams; Fixed non-plotting of compass bearings if a simple axis setting was chosen in the Preferences. Modified wording of rose diagram statistics to indicate basis for confidence calculation. 5/5/09 Added routines to process more efficiently grouped rose diagram data where the sector frequency is embedded as appended numeric values. Included adding an extra option in the File Format dialog. Revised the calculation of the circular median and fixed a bug giving incorrect circular variances, skewness, and kurtosis for certain types of data (axial data and pre-binned data). Revised Advanced Stats to report the Circular StdDev in degrees (not radians) Fixed cramping in copyrite form; fixed cramped Raw values given in Classification module. Corrected bug in Number-of-data caption for classified plots; Fixed problem accessing Appended name combo in File Format dialog 30/3/09 Fixed cramped option buttons and labels in Classification dialog and Rose dialog. Fixed bug causing Classification legends to be plotted incorrectly as %ages. Modified lables in Classification legend 18/3/09 Fixed cramped opton buttions in Classification dialog and fixed bug causing Classifcation legends plotting incorrectly as %ages. 24/2/09 Fixed bug causing rose plot legends printing double 5/6/08 Fixed bug causing crash in Rose plots if only one data point 14/1/08 Ver 9.4.0. Added new Workspace option to save and open multiple plot layouts. Added options to plot either means or cumulative values in the stereo classification routine for appended data. Added new sorting options to the rose classification dialog. Corrected slight bug in plotting grid density plots where points were not being plotted in the last grid line. Added new items to the binary .gpx Save routine to save the various classified plot options. Added new stats about the appended data to the stats box. 4/1/08 Corrected anomalies with the plotting of calculated girdles with dips >87 degrees. Set fabric and legend boxes to be open by default. Corrected bug in stereo classification routine for data containing missing Appended values. 28/1/07 Allowed alphabetic sorting of classified alphanumeric data. Set opening directory to default to the Last-Used directory. Included legends on P & T plots. 9/11/06 Released ver 9.3. Added options for classified plots that allow the orientatons of appended numeric data to be contoured by the mean value of the numeric data in addition to the orientation of the data. This option added by request to handle petrophysical acoustic measurements, but probably would be quite useful analysing 3D directional numerical parameters such as ore body thickness or tenor; vein widths, etc 1/11/06 Fixed bug preventing Class 9 numeric values to be changed in classified plots 13/1006 Corrected problem with Terzahghi Correction not being applied to simple Frequency-Azimuth roses. 17/4/06 Corrected problem in rotation menu not rotating overlaid Secondary data. Corrected minor problem with canceling smootly out of File Format dialog. 16/12/05 Fixed bug in line rotation procedure related to rounding errors that produced opposite quadrant line sense for some zero plunges (very minor problem, unless unfolding polar lines to horizontal). Fixed bug causing 95% confidence arc in rose diagrams to be only partially drawn for means close to north. Changed Advanced Stats to not round azimuths to integer values Corrected Advanced stats Box to include Simple stats when manual girdles showing. 18/7/05 Cleaned up some control references and recompiled using an upgraded MSCOMCTL.OCX to fix some reports of installation problems. No change to program functionality. 4/7/05 Fixed bug preventing rose diagram scales to be manually set. Changed default Save option for new plots to .gpx rather than .txt files Fixed bug not allowing plots to return to the data layer after editing annotations. 24/3/05 Minor change to exit procedure to allow skipping the Save dialog on each open plot. 26/2/04 Fixed bug causing .gpx files saved in comma decimal locales not to plot Fixed bug in rotation routine causing appended data to be mixed up. 1/12/03 Fixed bug when tracking secondary planes while unfolding beds to horizontal. Allowed for 1 degree rose sectors in rose diagram plots. Fixed bug preventing rose outer circle plotting. 27/10/03 Slight cosmetic change to displayed datagrid in FileFormat panel (widened displayed column widths). 26/6/03 Fixed bug causing crash when choosing File conventions... from the menu 22/6/03 Released Version 9.2. Fixed problem of rose plots showing partial quadrants giving variable statistics. Fixed errors in some stats routines for some measures of dispersion of axial data. Added calculation of circular median to rose stats, and corrected Mean Deviation calculation to be around the median. Replaced old 'Mean Deviation' arc with arc showning 95% Confidence Interval on Mean Direction. Changed rose diagram stats box to reflect changes. Fixed bug causing some Convention settings not to be saved correctly. Enhanced Save options in the File Format dialog so that a full, predefined, column configuration can be saved and reselected. Fixed bug causing crash on opening some "empty" rose diagrams. Fixed rounding error bug causing some vertical girdles not to plot. 9/3/03 Modified contour and grid plot procedures slightly to minimise grid-fill anomalies in certain plot configurations, and to minimise contouring problems in plots in which single points translate to integer %age density values (e.g. plots with 50,25,20,10,5, or 2 pts). 15/1/03 Fixed new bug in Registration module preventing correct registration 30/11/02 Fixed bug causing points not to be displayed in .gpx plots having more than one overlay datasets. Fixed crash when clicking within displayed data spreadsheet grid. Slight changes to Registration module. 19/5/02 Released Version 9.1. Corrected Error trap routine for opening some .gpx files. Corrected bug that caused legend, fabric, stats toggles not to work with printing, and some displays. Saves toggle info in .gpx files - hence new version no. Improved elements of the printing dialog graphical interface. Fixed several minor annoyances. 6/12/01 Released Version 9.0. Changes introduced in version 9: Added new plot stereographic routine for intersection lines between primary and secondary planes. Added new data classification options to both stereographic projection plots and rose diagrams. Changed the input formatting options to the Appended data to accommodate the classification options. Added routines to copy legends and Statistics boxes to clipboard. Cleaned up some menu shortcut anomalies. Increased number of plot window limitation for unregistered users so that all the kinematic axes routines can be used by those users. Added new rose diagram plot and display options: Classified roses, wind roses, overlayed wind roses. Changed many Preference Options for rose diagrams, including introducing new displayed scale and sector options. Corrected bug in Rose-Length and Rose-Length variance plots; Corrected bug in saving and retrieving some .gpx files. Corrected many obscure minor bugs causing inconvenience or occasional crashes. Corrected problems with European Windows settings using comma decimal delimiter. GEOrient now decimal Locale aware. See the section on International Considerations in the Help contents. 13/9/01 Fixed bug that caused incorrect symbols to be plotted for points in the base dataset of a multifile plot when the Overlay or Merge datafile contained non-data lines. 25/3/01 Fixed bug that caused crash when copying data input originally in strike/dip formats. 8/1/01 Fixed bug in calculation of kinematic P&T axes in which some data were plotted with reversed axes. 30/9/00 Fixed bug in accepting data input files in which some non-used input values are null. 2/9/2000 Fixed minor bug that caused new Plane data added to a blank plot via the manual data grid to be entered as poles rather than as dips. 17/8/2000 Fixed bug that caused .gpx files to crash if they contained plot windows that were either maximized or minimized. 11/5/2000 Fixed rounding error bug that caused incorrect plotting of secondary lines with 90° pitches. Sliightly increased precision of great circle plots. 26/3/2000 Version 8 compiled. Changed annotations to objects in an independent layer shown as a separate tab folder to the data layer. Added automatic plotting of beta axis in the girdle window. Added new options to Preferences dialog. Added ability to plot and edit small circles. Added new Secondary Line option of Trend in Plane. Added Mean length-Azimuth and Length variance-Az options to rose diagrams. Added new quadrant tick option to stereo style. Fixed bug in contour procedure that was incorrectly counting data near the primitive. Fixed bug in rotation routines that was incorrectly handling "up"-plunge solutions. Changed Registration procedure to include name - requires reregistration of program. ______________End of bug changes for version 7_______ 10/12/99 Fixed bug with plotting of girdles caused by previous debug 28/11/99 Changed procedure in printing dialog to correct misprinting of girdles and text on some printers. 21/10/99 Cleaned up a number of cosmetic things (button behaviour, etc) fixed bug that caused crash under some circumstances when the plot symbol was changed in the data format dialog. Corrected an anomaly with the setting of the colour of symbols 1/7/99 Fixed bug that caused incorrect contour calculations near edge of net 25/11/98 Fixed problem that caused "overflow" error when contouring large datasets. (This is really just a quick and dirty fix and I'll look more at this problem in the future). 15/6/98 Fixed problem causing crash in combined P&T axes plots. 22/4/98 Fixed bug that would not allow lines as pitches and hades to be plotted Fixed bugs in new stats section that couldn't handle infinite values (div by 0) Fixed minor glitch in File Format dialog that didn't preserve current column selection. 9/4/98 Released version 7.2 Changed way statistics are reported and added an Advanced Statistics box for reporting more complete statistics of 3-D stereographic data (including 95% cones of confidence). (The text in this Advanced statistics Box can be selected and copied to the clipboard). Switched to giving prominence to the maximum eigenvector of the non-polar data lines as the 'Preferred Direction' rather than emphasising the Vector Mean as in previous versions. See new items in the Georient Help file about the statistics used. Added item to the View menu to toggle the visibility of the Advanced Stats box. Fixed bug that caused crash when the File format menu... was chosen with no plots showing. Fixed bug in setting the file column numbers in the combo boxes for non-dip-azimuth data. 11/3/98 Released version 7.1. Added options to View menu Fixed bug that caused crash when changing linestyles of contours in Preferences Form. Changed .gpx files to remember size and position of saved plots. Fixed (hopefully) a bug tht caused a printing crash with large format printer/plotters (e.g. HP DesignJet) 1/3/98 Fixed minor bug in View...Raw Data and improved this option. Fixed bug that caused crash when changing linestyles of contours in the Preferences Form, and made some slight changes to this form. 27/2/98 Fixed error loading file datagrid when some cells in grid contained blanks 19/2/98 Fixed bug that caused crash when the file delimiter was changed for single column (direction-only) data Fixed problem that caused crash when selecting a new Files directory from the Preferences_General folder while the Rose Diagram window was open. 12/2/98 Released version 7.01 Fixed plotting errors for data containing non-data lines Fixed bug with manually adding data into plot containing Appended Data Fixed problem so that new plots knew they had been saved after a filesave Fixed problem with initial display of points copied from one plot into another (points were being missed) Fixed Run time error if only 1 external point was pasted into a plot 5/12/97 released Version 7.0 Changed FileFormat dialog to allow free selection of data columns Added facility to include linked secondary data that can be plotted either separately, or combined (e.g. fault plane/line data) Added plot options to plot fault kinematic data, including P & T axes Added arrows as a possible symbol for fault line data Added MapInfo OLE linkage to allow linked selection of map and stereo objects NB. When adding new pts manually right button adds -ve plunge Changed the way in which the Unfolding options worked to allow unfolding around the appended line. No longer requires replotting of raw data each time. NB. The /R & FilePref option is no longer available Added facility to define, store, and change individual point symbols within a plot Added option to use last overlay set as Annotation pts Saves now save data in original order with the option to include blank lines for the non-data lines. Expanded preferences Dialog to include: optional use of "pitch"/"rake" name conventions ability to define default data directory Placed restriction of 4 plots maximum on Unregistered versions Added reset button to Rose dialog and allowed fractional settings Fixed problem with printer font in initial plots Fixed bug that caused .gpx plots not to be opened correctly unless another plot with the same number (or more) data had already been plotted in that session. [Note that this is also a workaround solution for users of version 6 who strike this problem]. ______________End of bug changes for version 6_______ 7/10/97 Re-added the Orientation Panel in the toolbar (had been accidently switched off during recompilation 20/8/97 Fixed bug that caused data given as strike, dip, sense to be plotted incorrectly 15/8/97 Fixed bug in reporting of Vector Mean of Rose Diagrams 8/8/97 Fixed bug in which bias corrections were not being allowed for directions-only data entered as lines Added Open Blank plot button to toolbar. 3/8/97 Released Version 6.0 Recompilation requires re-installation. Remove earlier versions first. Main changes are to underlying program structure. Added Terzaggi bias corrections to Rose diagrams Modified girdle editing to include ability to indicate pole to desired girdle. (This slightly modifies the current usage of the SHIFT and CTRL_SHIFT keys) Fixed for version 6.0: bug in sort routine that caused crash when plotting directions only. bug that caused crash when mouse pointer moved across an empty Rose plot. bug in saving and retrieving file conventions. limitation on length limit of descriptions entered using a /D file line option. ______________End of bug changes for version 5_______ 29/4/97 Fixed bug that caused crash when Plot windows were maximised or minimised and added new plot. 19/4/97 Fixed bug that caused runtime error with Selecting All data then deleting. Fixed minor bugs with tool-tips and double error messages in pasting data. Fixed runtime errors when selecting and deleting no data . 7/2/97 Corrected bugs in manipulation of hades. Affects some unfolding calculations Corrected bug that caused the sign ("up" or "down" plunge to be reversed in some rotation situations 17/1/97 Version 5.1. Relatively minor changes and upgrades but necessitate changes to .gpx file formats. Added Rose data size info to orientation panel Added manual control of Plot window size. Reserved sixth girdle to contain data mean of planes. Fixed: bug in data parsing to handle both tabs and spaces in a data line. Fixed slight bug in reporting vector mean stats 28/11/1996: Added beta intersection plots to new version 5.0 (build 5.0.2) 18/11/1996: Released version 5.0 for Windows 95 (Windows 95 specific). Apart from interface changes this version introduced: Copy, paste, move editing within and between plots; Data input from external applications via the clipboard; Multiple girdle fitting and editing; Theoretical 32767 data limit maximum per plot (actual limit will depend on system); Change to Overlay mode to allow multiple cyclographic sets; Bug Fixes: Corrected error in processing some RH Rule Quadrant notations; _____________________________________________________________________ 31/8/1996: Corrected display problems with Rotation Window 24/7/1996: Bugfix - RH rule conventions were not being read properly 7/1/1996: Version 4.2 Addition of Length-Azimuth Rose Diagram option. Required changes to .gpx binary files but compatibility with earlier versions built-in except for the trivial case where the number of points in a saved plot is 1. Minor bug fix: problem with directions in Quadrant notation in which a direction of 9 (eg.,N9W) was treated as invalid data. 10/12/1995: Slight cosmetic change Orientations given by mouse position now displayed in toolbar textbox using custom conventions 29/11/1995: Slight bug fix Fitted Girdle Great circle was not being copied to clipboard correctly or being replotted on screen after a copy-to-clipboard edit. 21/10/1995: Slight bug fix Great circle girdles of 88-89 were not being plotted because of small aperture [fixed by setting dips of 88=87 & 89=90]. 22/9/1995: Bug fix Initial datasets in overlayed data that were plotted as cyclographicplots were not being preserved as such in replots. 13/8/1995: Slight bug fix Correct error in manual addition of points that represent planes. Change font property of statistics and Description boxes back to MS Sans Serif. 25/2/1995: Slight bug fix To plot great circles properly for dips > 80 degrees. 23/12/1994: Slight bug fix Datatype dialog box when using directions only. 9/9/1994: Bug fix Set up keypress options in Datatype and File Format forms. 10/9/1994: Bug fix Corrected problem that, when reading and writing to binary *.gpx file, it dropped the last point. 15/8/1994: Bug fix Second tier Rose toolbar buttons not activated. 10/8/1994: Bug fix /F and /D embedded options didn't work. 2/7/1994: Bug fix Manually fitted girdle routine not working properly. Didn't load Overlay files correctly after one had been deleted. 19/3/1994: Bug fix Gave error if no default printer set up in win.ini and didn't respond immediately to the printer setup changes. 25/2/1994: Bug fix Wasn't reading strike and dip input correctly. ========================================================================= GEOrient History: Version 1 [STEREO] - originally written in GWBasic by R.J.Holcombe, 1985 Version 2 [STEREO10,STEREO20] - menu system modified by P.R.Murphy (Queensland Department of Mines), 14/12/87 Version 3 [STEREO40] - remodified by R.J.Holcombe, 4/7/89 Version 1 [ORIENT - R.J.Holcombe, completely rewritten and expanded for QUICKBASIC 4.5, March, 1990 Version 2 [ORIENT] expanded January, 1991 to a format of CHAINED overlay programs requiring the BRUN45.EXE runtime module to preserve COMMON variables. Version 3 [ORIENT] Post-1991 modified and corrected version. Version 4.0 [originally called GEOLPLOT] Nov.-1992 Windows version written in Visual Basic 1.0 Version 4.0 [GEOrient v.4 renamed from GEOPLOT] Feb-May,1993 rewritten for Visual Basic 2.0 Version 4.1 October, 1993 re-compiled in VB ver. 3.0 26/1/1994: Released for shareware distribution Version 4.2 January, 1996 Recompiled in VB ver. 4.0 Version 5.0 November, 1996. Major rewrite (still in VB 4.0) addition of new features and enhancements Version 5.1 January, 1997. Relatively minor changes and upgrades. Version 6.0 July, 1997 recompiled in VB ver.5. Version 7.0 December, 1997. Complete revamp of internal structure of program. Added Annotation layer, fault-slip plots, Mapinfo link, "spreadsheet-like" column entry. Version 7.1 March, 1998. Added ability to view, select, and edit the processed plot data in a data grid "spreadsheet" and to link-select-edit from the grid to the stereo plot. Version 7.2 April, 1998 Major changes way statistic are handled and reported. Version 8.0 March, 2000 Recompiled in VB6 with many enhancements and changes to interface. Version 9.0 December, 2001 Major changes to rose diagram options. Some added stereo options.